Group of FlyMozart Safety Pilots Selfie Smiling on Paragliding Landing site
Tandemschirm vor dem Start von der Gaisbergspitze mit Tandempilot und Tandempassagierin
Sicherheitspilot mit Kind beim Tandemflug im Tandemparagleiter vom 12erhorn bei St. Gilgen am Wolfgangsee im Salzkammergut
Group of FlyMozart Safety Pilots Selfie Smiling on Paragliding Landing site
Our Pilots have two goals:
Your safety and their own safety – 365 times a year. Fun is guaranteed anyways!
We have more than 25 years of experience in paragliding and we did thousands of flying hours with a zero accident record. We take our time to listen to your needs before takeoff.
Thomas is the Captain of the Team and has over 1.500 flights in his paragliding log and everybody loves him right away.
Mani has extensive professional Paragliding experience in many parts of the world.